

Download the Association administration vocabulary FIN-ENG (PDF)


‘The year of the association’ animation

To support associations’ activities, Järjestöhautomo provides an animation
about the administrative year of an association.
The video goes through one annual meeting model. The video is available
in English, Russian, Arabic, Somali and Finnish.

Работа Совета Ассоциации:
Модель годичного собрания

‘The year of the association’ animation in Russian!

:سنة الجمعية
نموذج السنة الواحدة

‘The year of the association’ animation in Arabic!

Sanadkii Ururka:
Qaabka shir sanadeedka ee Ururka

‘The year of the association’ animation in Somali!

Yhdistyksen vuosi:
yhden vuosikokouksen malli

‘The year of the association’ animation in Finnish!


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